Beach Day
Introduction: Local Beach
WHEREStation 1 (Right)Station 2Station 3Station 4 (Left)
WHOParent/8th gradersParent/8th gradersParent/8th gradersParent/8th graders
MATERIALSPing Pong/Golf Balls, Spoons, Cones, Hula Hoops, WhistlePVP Pipe, Dig Grid, Fossils, Digging Instruments, Brushes, Cones, Fossilization CardsHula Hoops, Sticks with characteristics labeled of them, Trowels, Spray Bottles, Chart/PosterRope (56 feet), Laminated shark labels, Clothespins, Blindfolds, Clickers, Limiting factor cards, Prey Cards
WHATTurtle Hurdle Relay
* learn the life cycle of sea turtles, limiting factors of their survival
Join the Dig
Fossilization Game
*learn how species become fossilized, what it takes to properly excavate a dig and hows fossils teach us about adaptations
Sharks, Rays and Skates
*Earth art - differences and similarities between sharks, skates and rays. Making art with the natural environment will help them develop a relationship with the natural world
Predator and Prey
Sharkometer Game
*to learn about sharks, how they use their senses to find prey and threats to sharks
*intro to sizes of sharks
Support for differentiation: (ie visual, auditory, written instructions, peer helper, grouping, modifications for different grades)
Auditory learning, hands-on activity, parent and peer helpers.
NGSS Alignment
Full, more detailed outline of standards & progressions → NGSS Progressions
Earth Science
ESS3.C - Human impacts on Earth systems

Life Science
LS1.B - Growth and development of organisms
Earth Science
ESS1.C - The history of planet Earth
ESS2.A - Earth materials and systems

Life Science
LS1.D - Information Processing
LS2.B - Cycles of matter & Energy transfer in Ecosystems
Life Science
LS1.A - Structure and function
LS1.B - Growth and development of organisms
LS2.A - Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS3.B - Variation of Traits
Life Science
LS2.A - Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS2.C - Ecosystem dynamics, functioning & resilience
LS4.C - Adaptation

Turtle Hurdle

Join the Dig