Ancient North American Inland Seas | |||
Introduction: This activity focuses on the Ancient Inland Seas of North America. This includes geologic forces, fossils, prehistoric animals, and comparison and contrast with today’s North America. |
Rotation 1 | Rotation 2 | Rotation 3 | |
WHERE | Classroom | Break-out Room | Outside |
WHO | Teacher and 7th and 8th Graders | Teacher and Aide | 7th and 8th Grade Student Teachers |
MATERIALS | Video, Slide Show | Cardboard squares, salt dough, templates, water color | TBD |
WHAT | Video and slide show introduction | Comparison and creation of today and ancient inland seas. | Game |
Support for differentiation: (ie visual, auditory, written instructions, peer helper, grouping, modifications for different grades) Auditory learning, hands-on activity, parent and peer helpers. |
NGSS Alignment Full, more detailed outline of standards & progressions → NGSS Progressions |
Earth Science ESS1.C The history of planet Earth ESS2.B Plate tectonics and large-scale system interactions ESS2.C The roles of water in Earth’s surface processes ESS3.D Global climate change |