Mark the Shark & Swimmin' Sharks Are We
WHEREClassroom - 40 minutes
WHOParent Helper
MATERIALSLarge diagram of a shark
The Shark, Seaworld Teacher's Guide K-3 [PDF download]
6x9 gray construction paper
Shark parts template
Black markers
Glue and/or tape
Swimmin’ Sharks Are We directions (below)
WHATMark the Shark - students will identify the sharks anatomy

1. On a large diagram of a shark, discuss and label the following parts of the shark: caudal fin (tail), dorsal fins (top), pectoral fins (below), anal fin (back, bottom), nostril, gill slits, teeth, dermal denticles (skin), spiracles, lateral line, liver.
2. OPTIONAL: complete the Mark the Shark Worksheet

Swimmin’ Sharks Are We - students will make their own Leopard Shark to reinforce some characteristics of sharks

1. Using a black marker, draw spots all over the gray construction paper.
2. Roll the construction paper to form a long tube and tape together.
3. Cut a mouth out of one end of the tube.
4. Cut out the shark parts template.
5. Glue the two halves of the dorsal fin together then tape it on the top of the tube. Tape the pectoral fins on the bottom left and right of the tube.
6. Glue the two halves of the tail together. On the back end of the tube, push the bottom section inside. Cut a slit in the top. Cut a slit in the front of the tail. Slide the tail slit into the tube slit, and adjust the tail so it fits properly.
7. Draw gills and eyes. Add teeth.
NGSS LS1.A Structure and function
LS1.B Growth and development of organisms
Support for differentiation: (ie visual, auditory, written instructions, peer helper, grouping, activate prior knowledge, modification for different grades), checklist different modes of learning with suggestions
Modification for different grade levels:
NGSS Alignment
Full, more detailed outline of standards & progressions → NGSS Progressions
Earth Science
ESS1.A The universe and its stars
ESS1.B Earth and the solar system
ESS1.C The history of planet Earth
ESS2.A Earth materials and systems
ESS2.B Plate tectonics and large-scale system interactions
ESS2.C The roles of water in Earth’s surface processes
ESS2.D Weather and climate
ESS2.E Bio-geology
ESS3.A Natural resources
ESS3.B Natural hazards
ESS3.C Human impacts on Earth systems
ESS3.D Global climate change

Life Science
LS1.A Structure and function
LS1.B Growth and development of organisms
LS1.C Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms
LS1.D Information Processing
LS2.A Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS2.B Cycles of matter & Energy transfer in Ecosystems
LS2.C Ecosystem dynamics, functioning & resilience
LS2.D Social interactions and group behavior
LS3.A Inheritance of Traits
LS3.B Variation of Traits
LS4.A Evidence of common ancestry
LS4.B Natural Selection
LS4.C Adaptation
LS4.D Biodiversity and humans

Physical Science
PS1.A Structure of matter (includes PS1.C Nuclear processes)
PS1.B Chemical reactions
PS2.A Forces and motion
PS2.B Types of interactions
PS3.A Definitions of energy
PS3.B Conservation of energy and energy transfer
PS3.C Relationship between energy and forces
PS4.A Wave properties
PS4.B Electromagnetic radiation
PS4.C Information technologies and instrumentation
Earth Science
ESS1.A The universe and its stars
ESS1.B Earth and the solar system
ESS1.C The history of planet Earth
ESS2.A Earth materials and systems
ESS2.B Plate tectonics and large-scale system interactions
ESS2.C The roles of water in Earth’s surface processes
ESS2.D Weather and climate
ESS2.E Bio-geology
ESS3.A Natural resources
ESS3.B Natural hazards
ESS3.C Human impacts on Earth systems
ESS3.D Global climate change

Life Science
LS1.A Structure and function
LS1.B Growth and development of organisms
LS1.C Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms
LS1.D Information Processing
LS2.A Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS2.B Cycles of matter & Energy transfer in Ecosystems
LS2.C Ecosystem dynamics, functioning & resilience
LS2.D Social interactions and group behavior
LS3.A Inheritance of Traits
LS3.B Variation of Traits
LS4.A Evidence of common ancestry
LS4.B Natural Selection
LS4.C Adaptation
LS4.D Biodiversity and humans

Physical Science
PS1.A Structure of matter (includes PS1.C Nuclear processes)
PS1.B Chemical reactions
PS2.A Forces and motion
PS2.B Types of interactions
PS3.A Definitions of energy
PS3.B Conservation of energy and energy transfer
PS3.C Relationship between energy and forces
PS4.A Wave properties
PS4.B Electromagnetic radiation
PS4.C Information technologies and instrumentation
Earth Science
ESS1.A The universe and its stars
ESS1.B Earth and the solar system
ESS1.C The history of planet Earth
ESS2.A Earth materials and systems
ESS2.B Plate tectonics and large-scale system interactions
ESS2.C The roles of water in Earth’s surface processes
ESS2.D Weather and climate
ESS2.E Bio-geology
ESS3.A Natural resources
ESS3.B Natural hazards
ESS3.C Human impacts on Earth systems
ESS3.D Global climate change

Life Science
LS1.A Structure and function
LS1.B Growth and development of organisms
LS1.C Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms
LS1.D Information Processing
LS2.A Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS2.B Cycles of matter & Energy transfer in Ecosystems
LS2.C Ecosystem dynamics, functioning & resilience
LS2.D Social interactions and group behavior
LS3.A Inheritance of Traits
LS3.B Variation of Traits
LS4.A Evidence of common ancestry
LS4.B Natural Selection
LS4.C Adaptation
LS4.D Biodiversity and humans

Physical Science
PS1.A Structure of matter (includes PS1.C Nuclear processes)
PS1.B Chemical reactions
PS2.A Forces and motion
PS2.B Types of interactions
PS3.A Definitions of energy
PS3.B Conservation of energy and energy transfer
PS3.C Relationship between energy and forces
PS4.A Wave properties
PS4.B Electromagnetic radiation
PS4.C Information technologies and instrumentation
Notes & Other Resources: