5- 7 minute introduction → Teacher introduction with 2 video clips of penguin behavior
Clip 1 → Criminal Penguins (Adelie penguins)
Clip 2 →Penguins Launch like Rockets (Emperor Penguins)
Rotation 1 (15 min.)Rotation 2 (15 min.)Rotation 3 (15 min.)
WHEREClassroomHallway - Gallery WallCourtyard
WHOParent/TeacherParent/TeacherMiddle school students
MATERIALS-Deconstructed timeline (photos and words, see lesson link)
-Models showing penguin mass as a chick and as an adult (we used modeling clay)
-Gallery wall with penguin information
-Scavenger hunt question with magnetic backing
-Magnetic whiteboard & dry erase markers
-Presentation board for introduction
-Small rocks
-Something to represent egg for Emperor penguin race
WHATGrowing Penguins → Construct a timeline of the first two months of an Adelie penguin’s lifePenguin Scavenger Hunt → collaborative scavenger hunt with student created gallery wallPenguin Reproduction (active games) →
-Criminal penguins (Adelie penguins & their nesting habits) - students try to collect small pebbles or rocks to build their nest while protecting the rocks they have already collected
-Emperor penguin race-students try to walk with an “egg” on top of their feet or between their ankels much like the Emperor penguin must do while their egg is incubating
Notes & Other Resources: California Academy of Sciences - Emperor Penguin Egg activity
NGSS Alignment
Full, more detailed outline of standards & progressions → NGSS Progressions
Life Science
LS1.A Structure and function
LS1.B Growth and development of organisms
LS2.D Social interactions and group behavior
LS4.C Adaptation
*May vary based on content of gallery wall

Earth Science
ESS3.C Human impacts on Earth systems
ESS3.D Global climate change

Life Science
LS1.A Structure and function
LS1.B Growth and development of organisms
LS2.D Social interactions and group behavior
LS4.C Adaptation
LS4.D Biodiversity and humans
Earth Science
ESS3.C Human impacts on Earth systems
ESS3.D Global climate change

Life Science
LS1.A Structure and function
LS1.B Growth and development of organisms
LS2.D Social interactions and group behavior
LS4.C Adaptation and