Prehistoric Seas Curriculum

K-1st Grade Lesson Plans
2nd - 6th grade Lesson Plans
7th - 8th Grade

7th and 8th grade students actively participate in the Oceans411 program as teacher aides and website contributors. They are involved in both learning and teaching about the ocean, and a vital part in the success of the annual Oceans411 program now over 30 years!

The goal of the Oceans411 website is to provide students, teachers and parents with information about the program and links to activities and curriculum for past, current and future learning opportunities.
Enrichment Activities

K-2nd grade

Students take day long (between 8 and 10 a year) fieldtrips to local venues, museums, and theaters. Students generally leave around 9:00 and return to school before school ends.

3rd grade

Students also attend between 8 and 10 fieldtrips a year. A few of those trips are further away in distance such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium. In addition, the students generally have one overnight fieldtrip in the spring of their third grade year.

4-5th grade

Students attend programmed fieldtrips such as the art programs offered by the San Francisco museums. In addition, the students do one overnight living history fieldtrip and one overnight nature and science based fieldtrip.

6th grade

Students attend two fieldtrips with a focus on science. In addition, they study ancient civilizations and often go to museums where there are ancient collections.

7-8th grade

Students do one living history overnight on the Balclutha (a tall ship docked in San Francisco) and eighth graders attend the Yosemite Institute for a 5 day fieldtrip in Yosemite which is transfomative to all students. In addition, students go on preparation hiking trips for Yosemite. The English teacher often takes students to high school theater productions as well.