Caribou Migration Game
Learning Objectives/Lesson GoalsStudents will learn why caribou herds migrate long distances every year and how we can help save the Arctic by advocating to keep it wild and reducing our carbon footprint

WHOClassroom Volunteers
Make 2 sets so two groups (of 3-4 students) can play at the same time

  • Game board - printed on colored cardstock

  • Game pieces (cards) - printed on colored cardstock

  • Caribou tokens - use marker to make different colors for each player

  • 1 dice


  1. Read through the background information sheet with the students. As you read, you can pause and ask questions like: “Why do you think Human structures like roads, oil refineries, and shipping ports affect the routes of the migrating caribou?”

  2. Show the video Magnificent Migration I American Arctic from 1:20 - 2:22

  3. Introduce the game and how to play
    -Explain that they will break up into groups of 3-4

  4. As students play the game, have them read their game pieces (cards) out loud so everyone can hear what the situation on the card says - you may need to help younger students read their cards

  5. After a few turns, ask the students:

    • What challenges is your herd encountering?

    • What would happen if your herd does not make it to the Arctic Wildlife Refuge?

    • What types of conditions are best for your herd?
      How could humans help protect the herd?

  6. If they finish and time allows, they can play the game again

RESOURCESLesson adapted from: Pacific Science Center - The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness
PBS Video: Magnificent Migration I American Arctic